About the webinar: The focus of this session will be to explore how educators can most effectively develop their skills …
Course Access
1 year
Last Updated
June 1, 2022
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About the webinar:
The focus of this session will be to explore how educators can most effectively develop their skills and knowledge through CPD in a completely changed – post pandemic – world. While the Covid crisis is far from over in many parts of the globe, we are beginning to adapt to a new way of being. In this session, we’ll discuss the impact of Covid on our ability to engage in CPD activities throughout the year, and look at how effective traditional CPD really is. We’ll pose some questions: – Can we realistically get back to face to face CPD? – How can online learning be adapted to be more interactive, accessible and fit educators’ busy lives? – How can a new approach to online learning help educators apply the skills they acquire through CPD in their classrooms? – How can educators play a more significant role in preparing our students for a life beyond full time education, through use of skills like coaching and mentoring?About the Instructor:
John is a qualified and experienced coach, consultant, trainer, and accomplished business leader. He holds a First-Class Honours Degree in Leadership & Management and has many years of experience in operational management, consultancy, coaching, and training/facilitation. He has lived and worked in the Gulf since 2010, working with government, private sector and not-for-profit entities across the region and further afield. Prior to moving to the Gulf, his work was predominantly focused on the public and not-for-profit sectors in the UK.ICET Speaker
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Course Currilcum
- Educator CPD in a post-Covid World – ENG – John McGuire – Video 00:31:00
- Webinar Reflection and Feedback Form Unlimited